Auteur: The Green Fairy
Almanak 2022 de Sprekende Ezels
Nationale expo
Ik doe mee aan de wedstrijd “Nationale Expo”, georganiseerd door museumPASSmusées en 15 Belgische musea. In december 2021 opent De Nationale Expo met een tentoonstelling van geselecteerde werken. Willen jullie mijn werk als blikvanger in 1 van deze 15 musea te zien krijgen ? stem dan via alvast bedankt ! Je participe au concours […]
Kolaj Magazine
Collages of the exhibition “All aboard!” from The Green Fairy are highlighted in the international collage magazine: Kolaj Magazine is a quarterly, printed, art magazine reviewing and surveying contemporary collage with an international perspective with subscribers in 36 countries around the world
All aboard! Expo collages and circles about travelling and holidays
The title of the collage exhibition ‘All aboard!’ refers to the great desire of many people to be able to travel again after all the travel restrictions there have been in recent months because of the corona pandemic. The title also refers to the location of the expo, Gare Maritime, the former monumental railway freight […]